7 Quotes & Sayings By J Yates

J. Yates is a writer and a published author of a number of best-selling books. She has also been featured on the New York Times Bestseller List, USA Today Bestseller List, and Publishers Weekly Bestseller list. She is a sought after speaker on the subject of writing and publishing, having been a guest on the "Today Show", "Good Morning America", and "The View" Read more

Her first book, "The Art of Connection", was released in April 2015.

We are all made from the stars and connected to each other and the stars J. Yates
I also say you can tell your true friends, by the ones who put a bucket by your bed when your drunk and going to be sick - (my quote - so proud) J. Yates
A small amount of kindness can make a large amount of difference J. Yates
A moment of clarity I realise that I stress so much about the past, because I am scared of the future. It is easier for my mind to occupy itself with troubles of long-ago; rather than greet fears of the unknown tomorrow. The goal is to be alive now and live in the moment. But there are days when I find this almost impossible to achieve. Yet knowing this is liberating. Jane Yates 02/02/2016 J. Yates
Tears dont show in rain but you feel them J. Yates
I do not like think of them as dead, just alive in another time, they are alive in that time just as we are in this time."- Rose J. Yates